import urllib2 from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup import time start = time.time() import tkFileDialog from html.parser import HTMLParser import pandas as pd train_path_string = r'C:/Users/ROHIT/Desktop/Graphs/Analytics_Vidhya/train/train.csv' train_df = pd.read_csv(train_path_string) feature_df = train_df tags = {'clinicalTrials': 0,'conferences': 1, 'forum': 2, 'guidelines': 3, 'news': 4, 'others': 5, 'profile': 6, 'publication': 7, 'thesis': 8} train_df.Tag = [tags[item] for item in train_df.Tag] def buildFeatures(df): isOrg = list() isArticle = list() isPDF = list() isBLOG = list() isNEWS = list() hasGuide = list() isEDU = list() isClinical = list() long = list() isForum = list() for i,row in df.iterrows(): domain = row['Domain'].lower() url = row['Url'] long.append(len(url)) if ".org" in domain: isOrg.append(1) else: isOrg.append(0) if "clinical" in domain: isClinical.append(1) else: isClinical.append(0) if "article" in url: isArticle.append(1) else: isArticle.append(0) if "pdf" in url: isPDF.append(1) else: isPDF.append(0) if "blog" in domain: isBLOG.append(1) else: isBLOG.append(0) if ".edu" in domain: isEDU.append(1) else: isEDU.append(0) if "news" in url: isNEWS.append(1) else: isNEWS.append(0) if "guide" in url: hasGuide.append(1) else: hasGuide.append(0) if "forum" in url: isForum.append(1) else: isForum.append(0) df['isOrg'] = isOrg df['isArticle'] = isArticle df['isPDF'] = isPDF df['isBLOG'] = isBLOG df['isNEWS'] = isNEWS df['hasGuide'] = hasGuide df['isEDU'] = isEDU df['isClinical'] = isClinical df['how_long'] = long df['isForum'] = isForum return df feature_df = buildFeatures(train_df) feature_df.drop(['Webpage_id', 'Domain', 'Url'], axis = 1, inplace = 1) print feature_df.columns X_train=feature_df[['isOrg', 'isArticle', 'isPDF', 'isBLOG', 'isNEWS', 'hasGuide', 'isEDU', 'isClinical', 'how_long', 'isForum']] # Features y_train=feature_df['Tag'] # Labels from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier clf=RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=200) #Train the model using the training sets y_pred=clf.predict(X_test),y_train) test_path_string = r'C:/Users/ROHIT/Desktop/Graphs/Analytics_Vidhya/test_nvPHrOx.csv' test_df = pd.read_csv(test_path_string) feature_df = buildFeatures(test_df) print test_df.columns webPageIDList = test_df['Webpage_id'].tolist() DomainList = test_df['Domain'].tolist() UrlList = test_df['Url'].tolist() feature_df.drop(['Webpage_id', 'Domain', 'Url'], axis = 1, inplace = 1) print test_df.columns X_test=feature_df[['isOrg', 'isArticle', 'isPDF', 'isBLOG', 'isNEWS', 'hasGuide', 'isEDU', 'isClinical', 'how_long', 'isForum']] # Features #y_test=feature_df['Tag'] # Labels y_pred=clf.predict(X_test) tags = {0 : 'clinicalTrials',1 : 'conferences', 2 : 'forum', 3 : 'guidelines',4: 'news', 5 :'others', 6 :'profile', 7: 'publication',8: 'thesis'} tagList = list() for item in y_pred: item = int(item) tagList.append(tags[item]) test_df['Webpage_id'] = webPageIDList test_df['Tag'] = tagList test_df.drop(['isOrg', 'isArticle', 'isPDF', 'isBLOG', 'isNEWS', 'hasGuide', 'isEDU', 'isClinical', 'how_long', 'isForum'], axis = 1, inplace = 1) test_df.set_index(['Webpage_id'], inplace=True) test_df.to_csv('Test.csv') print 'It took', time.time()-start, 'seconds.'